Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I've been thinking about my approach to working with adolescents vs. other people's approaches and I realized that I think rapport with this population is probably one of the most important things. If I build a great rapport with them, they are more likely to listen to me, be involved in my groups, and therefore get something out of my groups.
Sooo how to build rapport with adolescents? 
Get on their level. Talk about things with them that they are interested in. Be sarcastic. Use humor. 
Don't constantly tell them "don't do this. don't do that. stop that." 
Instead say "what the heck are you doing. you're going to crack your head open boy."
They might laugh then most likely stop.
Once you've built a rapport, thennnn you can tell them what to do. They need to know WHY they should trust you or listen to you. And if they do trust you and listen to you, that reason is most likely: because you're cool and you get them. That's really what kids care about at that age I think.

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