Monday, July 7, 2014

Survived day one!

Today started with cereal and weird tasting coffee. I had to use a paper towel as a filter because I didn't have coffee filters. NOTHING GETS IN THE WAY OF MY COFFEE. So I got to the hospital and had the four hour orientation about things like fire safety, therapeutic boundaries, etc etc. (while drinking more coffee.) Then I had lunch with my supervisor after not knowing how to get a free meal from the cafeteria with my free meal ticket and the worker thinking I was a patient. I ate with my supervisor in the staff room and then she said I could leave if I wanted or I could go to her office and she'd show me how to do notes and stuff so I did that. I need to complete 900 hours until I'm done with my internship so I'm going to try to get in as many as I can! I also looked through some of her music therapy hand outs for group sessions, and read a workbook about Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. It's something I'm super interested in so I read for an hour or so while my supervisor did her documentation. Then she showed me how to file the patient documentation. She also told me about this project she wants me to do of loading all her CDs unto iTunes. Is it weird that I'm really looking forward to doing that and to doing documentation/paperwork? I like tedious things like that. I've been leaning more and more towards just doing research/writing ebooks and blogs and stuff for music therapy rather than actual music therapy. One year ago I would've been like "WHAT? GURL, NO. GO PLAY YOUR GUITAR AND THERAPIZE PEOPLE." but I'm starting to think I'm not wired that way. That I'm not as good at it as I thought I was. I think my passions and preferences have been changing lately. Anyways... basically all day I felt awkward and lost and completely not adjusted at all. But that's normal I'd think... it's only day one after all. So basically this whole month I'm just going to be observing. Observing A LOT of people. Psychologists, recreational therapists, another music therapist... which is good because I want to be exposed to as much as possible! After I left, I went to Publix to get a few things and made a food shelf in my room since there's not much room in the kitchen.(After an episode of sitting on the floor surrounded by all my stuff and crying after trying to organize and unpack.) I also made a bathroom shelf yesterday since there's not much room in the bathroom either. After Publix I drove towards to water to see if there was any public access and I didn't see any! It was all private property! That made me sad because I was really excited to ride my bike to the water. I think I saw one public access dock or something? I'll have to check that out sometime. Well, I'm hoping for a good day tomorrow!

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