Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today was longggg. My internship director is gone for 2 weeks on vacation so I've been with the recreational therapist. First of all though, I must mention that my room is finally organized! I have a real bed now, a desk, a table, a dresser, and a TV! There's no cable here but my dad is sending me his Roku box and a PS2 aw yeahhh. It was a nice weekend. I got to go back to tally and see my friend Annabelle who I haven't seen in SOO LONG! My parents and sister helped me pack my apartment then we drove over here and organized my room. It was nice to see them and to eat good meals. Yum. Anyways today I got to observe the ICU unit again. I was not in the mood. Before that group, I went to the unit to try to get some patients reports and that always stresses me out because if it's not there I have to ask around and I feel like people don't really attend to me or something because I'm an intern. Almost like they're kind of annoyed by me? I experienced that a little this morning and it made me upset. I went to group despite feeling poopy, and it was... interesting. Almost every one of them were so low functioning that we could barely do anything. One went and stood out in the rain and I got really wet trying to coax her back so I was freezing all morning because the building is always SO COLD! Rita made some stew and she left a note for me saying that I could have some so that's what I had for lunch. It was wonderful because I was so cold. Also during that group, there was this one lady who was quite functional and I was confused as to why she was even in the ICU unit. I was talking to her at the end of group and she was telling me that she got drunk and hit her head, then she woke up with police and EMTs surrounding her and she said something like "I want it to end" and they took it as she was suicidal. She told me that's not what she meant at all. Then she was explaining how she worked with her dad and her dad was really possesive of her and she could never meet any guys because her dad would keep them away and stuff. So anyways later I was sitting in the office with the rec therapist and she says "you know what I read today on _____'s record? She's married to her dad and she says she wants to stop having sex with him. That's why he's so posessive of her." I was just like.... WHAT. I can't even... begin to understand. That's so crazy. It made me so sad. I hear sad stories multiple times a day but it just encourages me to do my job even better. Later that day we did a session with the military unit and I just observed. I need to write one session plan a day these next two weeks but I haven't written any yet. I probably need to do that. I am missing my old roommates. We were texting each other earlier and it made me think more about how I miss my old apartment. I miss knowing where everything is and feeling so comfortable and knowing I can just open my door and they'd be there for me to talk to. I have no friends here but I really feel fine with that at the moment. It actually feels kind of nice... because I'm always so tired and can't WAIT to be alone after my internship. I feel like I have so many wonderful amazing friends, that I literally don't need or want anymore. I wonder if that's weird? Anyways the internet is not working here AND IT SUCKKKKSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! It's so off and on then it's super slow UGH. Nothing is more frustrating than internet not working. I know that's a first world problem, and a privilege to even have internet, BUT UGHHH IT DOESN'T MAKE IT LESS ANNOYING!!!!!!!!

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